Calgary Hemorrhoid Clinic
Hemorrhoid Treatment With The CRH O'Regan System ®
Oak Bay Medical Centre is now offering the CRH O’Regan System ®. A simple, painless and effective way to treat hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are nothing to be embarrassed about – in fact, about 50% of the population will suffer from them by the age of 50.
For many, ointments and creams will only mask symptoms to provide temporary relief. They do not address the root of the problem that is causing the pain, itching, bleeding, and overall discomfort.
If you’re serious about getting rid of hemorrhoids once and for all, it’s time to consider a definitive treatment at our hemorrhoid clinic.
Do I Suffer From Hemorrhoids? How To Tell The Difference.
Rectal pain with bowel movements
Hard Stools
Trouble Wiping Clean
Semi Formed Stools

Grade I
Hemorrhoids bleed but remain inside of the body

Grade II
Hemorrhoids fall or bulge, but return on their own

Grade III
Hemorrhoids fall or bulge and need to be pushed back into the body

Grade IV
Hemorrhoids fall or bulge and cannot be pushed into the body
The CRH O’Regan System ®
Much less invasive than a surgical hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoid banding with the CRH O’Regan System ®, is a simple treatment that can be performed in just minutes with little to no discomfort. There isn’t any prep or sedation and most patients are even able to return to work the same day.
Hemorrhoids are cushions of tissue containing swollen blood vessels, located in the lower rectum or anus. There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Depending on the location, symptoms may include pain, bulging, and a feeling of fullness following a bowel movement. Additionally, there may be bright red blood covering the stool, on the toilet tissue or in the toilet bowl.
A tiny rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid. This cuts off blood supply to the hemorrhoid, causing the banded tissue (along with the band), to shrink and fall off, typically within one to five days. You probably won’t even notice when this happens or be able to spot the rubber band in the toilet.
Your first appointment will probably be the longest, as it usually involves a consultation, obtaining a medical history, making a diagnosis of your problems and formulating a treatment plan. We suggest you allow up to an hour for your appointment Subsequent treatment sessions will be shorter, around 15-30 minutes total. After a hemorrhoid banding procedure, we recommend that you refrain from vigorous activities the rest of the day and resume full activity the next day. Most patients with office jobs find they can return to work immediately following their appointment.
Rubber band ligation is the most frequently used non-surgical treatment for hemorrhoids in the world. However, not all banding procedures are the same. Unlike traditional banding techniques that use a metal-toothed clamp to grasp the tissue, we use a gentle suction device, reducing the risk of pain and bleeding.
Good question. Anal pain and rectal bleeding are symptoms of both hemorrhoids and anal fissures. As a result, it’s possible for people to incorrectly self-diagnose themselves. Always consult a physician for a proper diagnosis. Bleeding is also a symptom of colorectal cancer or inflammatory bowel disease, it’s important to rule out other problems as well.
Hemorrhoid creams and suppositories are designed to provide temporary relief for symptoms such as pain and itching. They cannot shrink the hemorrhoid, stop it from growing larger or make it go away. Ultimately, the only permanent cure for recurrent symptoms is the destruction or removal of the hemorrhoid itself.
Most individuals require three bands, with one band at a time being placed. Repeat banding is performed at 2 week intervals. This is to reduce complications. About 10-15% of patients will need more than three bands, and some hemorrhoids are simply stubborn.
Recurrence can happen, though this occurs in only 8% of patients at 24 months.
Hemorrhoid banding is intended for internal hemorrhoids only. Banding involves the insertion of a hemorrhoid banding ligator device into the rectum, and using suction to draw the hemorrhoids into the the barrel of the device. A band is then deployed at the base of the hemorrhoid. Performing this on external hemorrhoids can be both painful and unsafe. Most patients at our hemorrhoid clinic find that banding of their internal hemorrhoids will improve their external hemorrhoid symptoms and potentially severity. Surgical excision of external hemorrhoids or perianal skin tags would be required to definitively treat external hemorrhoids. Sometimes prolapsed (bulging) internal hemorrhoids are mistaken for external hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoid banding is not appropriate for those who have liver failure, irritable bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease), a history of alcohol abuse/overuse, and in pregnant women. Hemorrhoid banding is effective for most individuals and most hemorrhoids. Some patients with severe internal hemorrhoids require referral to a General Surgeon for surgical excision.
Is Our Hemorrhoid Clinic Right For You?
Although hemorrhoids are not life threatening, bleeding hemorrhoids can be the cause of significant alarm for patients. Painful bowel movements and bulging hemorrhoids can significantly hamper quality of life. While embarrassing for patients, getting the appropriate treatment can help patients achieve the feeling of being normal again. Visit our Calgary medical and maternity clinic today; we would be happy to assess you upon receiving a referral from your physician.
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